Beyond the Expected—Residual Risk and Cases of Overload in the Context of Managing Alpine Natural Hazards
Hartmann, Soenke, Pedoth, Lydia, Dalla Torre, Cristina and Schneiderbauer, Stefan, (2021). Beyond the Expected—Residual Risk and Cases of Overload in the Context of Managing Alpine Natural Hazards. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 12(1), 1-15
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Sub-type Journal article Author Hartmann, Soenke
Pedoth, Lydia
Dalla Torre, Cristina
Schneiderbauer, StefanTitle Beyond the Expected—Residual Risk and Cases of Overload in the Context of Managing Alpine Natural Hazards Appearing in International Journal of Disaster Risk Science Volume 12 Issue No. 1 Publication Date 2021-01-22 Place of Publication Cham Publisher Springer Nature Switzerland AG Start page 1 End page 15 Language eng Abstract Structural protection measures are designed to protect the population and infrastructure against natural hazards up to a specific predefined protection goal. Extreme events with intensities that exceed the capacity of these protection structures are called “cases of overload” and are associated with “residual risks” that remain after the implementation of protection measures. In order to address residual risks and to reduce the damages from overload events, a combination of structural protection measures with additional, nonstructural measures is required. Based on data collected through a literature review, a questionnaire survey, expert interviews, and an expert workshop we highlight the status quo as well as key challenges of dealing with residual risks and cases of overload in Alpine countries in the context of geohydrological hazards and gravitational mass movements. We present a holistic conceptual framework that describes the relationships of residual risks, cases of overload, and protection goals in the context of both risk governance and integrated risk management. This framework is valuable for decision makers aiming at an improved management of natural hazards that takes adequate account of residual risk and cases of overload in Alpine countries and mountain areas worldwide. Copyright Holder The Authors Copyright Year 2021 Copyright type Creative commons DOI 10.1007/s13753-020-00325-3 -
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