Examining the NGO - Migrant Domestic Worker Relationship in Hong Kong to Map Opportunities for Technology Interventions

Thinyane, Hannah and Sophie Zinser (2021). Examining the NGO - Migrant Domestic Worker Relationship in Hong Kong to Map Opportunities for Technology Interventions. United Nations University.

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    Updated_MigrantTech-Research_Brief-MDW_in_HK.pdf Research Brief 02-2021 — Examining the NGO - Migrant Domestic Worker Relationship in Hong Kong to Map Opportunities for Technology Interventions application/pdf 403.32KB
  • Author Thinyane, Hannah
    Sophie Zinser
    Title Examining the NGO - Migrant Domestic Worker Relationship in Hong Kong to Map Opportunities for Technology Interventions
    Publication Date 2021-02
    Place of Publication Macau SAR
    Publisher United Nations University
    Pages 4
    Language eng
    Abstract This study explores how non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society organizations (CSOs) in Hong Kong use information and communication technologies (ICTs) to support migrant domestic workers (MDWs). It identifies critical patterns of access and technology use for MDWs in Hong Kong, advocating for a preventative, rather than remediation-focused approach to combatting forced labour in Hong Kong’s MDW sector. Through defining the relationship between Hong Kong’s NGOs and MDWs, the study suggests four concrete recommendations for technology to intervene in combatting forced labour for MDWs in Hong Kong: developing a single privacy preserving data repository of MDW employment agency contracts and loan agreements, linking ICT solutions to current communication pathways for MDWs, further study of MDWs’ pre-arrival tech literacy, and separate, mandatory online pre- arrival trainings for MDWs and their employers.
    Keyword Forced labour
    Hong kong
    migrant workers
    Copyright Holder United Nations University
    Copyright Year 2021
    Copyright type Creative commons
    ISBN 9789280891300
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    Created: Fri, 05 Feb 2021, 00:24:42 JST by Zachary Karaul on behalf of UNU CS