CLIMATE RISK INSURANCE IN THE CARIBBEAN: 20 lessons learned from the Climate Risk Adaptation and Insurance in the Caribbean (CRAIC) project
(2020). CLIMATE RISK INSURANCE IN THE CARIBBEAN: 20 lessons learned from the Climate Risk Adaptation and Insurance in the Caribbean (CRAIC) project. United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security.
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Sub-type Research report Title CLIMATE RISK INSURANCE IN THE CARIBBEAN: 20 lessons learned from the Climate Risk Adaptation and Insurance in the Caribbean (CRAIC) project Publication Date 2020 Place of Publication Bonn Publisher United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security Pages 38 Language eng Abstract CRAIC was one of the first projects of its kind in the Caribbean region and was designed as a project focused on learning and continuous improvement. The CRAIC project consortium aimed to capture the lessons learned during implementation, build on best practices, and—when required—take corrective action along the way. The lessons learned by the CRAIC implementers are applicable to other small island and coastal states that have an interest in developing and implementing similar microinsurance schemes to support vulnerable populations. This publication of lessons learned is intended to encourage a culture of learning and knowledge sharing on climate and disaster risk insurance, vulnerability, and closing the protection gap. Keyword Climate risk insurance
Parametric and index-based insurance
Microinsurance schemes
Disaster risk management
Small island statesCopyright Holder United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security Copyright Year 2020 Copyright type Creative commons -
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