Post-earthquake Recovery in Nepal

Shrestha, Rupesh, Fekete, Alexander and Sandholz, Simone, "Post-earthquake Recovery in Nepal" in Smart and Sustainable Cities and Buildings ed. Roggema, Rob and Roggema, Anouk (Cham: Springer, 2020), 51-70.

Document type:
Book Chapter

  • Author Shrestha, Rupesh
    Fekete, Alexander
    Sandholz, Simone
    Book Editor Roggema, Rob
    Roggema, Anouk
    Chapter Title Post-earthquake Recovery in Nepal
    Book Title Smart and Sustainable Cities and Buildings
    Publication Date 2020-12-05
    Place of Publication Cham
    Publisher Springer
    Start page 51
    End page 70
    Language eng
    Abstract In 2015, a massive earthquake of 7.8 and 7.4 magnitude struck Nepal. This resulted in severe economic and infrastructural damage, not to mention many human casualties. The government of Nepal has identified 625,000 houses as fully destroyed and 180,000 houses as being partially damaged. This research is a comparative study of traditional-urban, peri-urban, and remote rural settlements of Nepal which were severely hit by the earthquake. It provides an overview of interests and perceptions of local communities in terms of the recovery process. Furthermore, this research also identifies resilience in terms of basic service recovery (basic shelter, electricity, water supply, telecommunication, groceries/food) and existing challenges in housing recovery programs. Assessing the different settlement types individually also allows for tailored policy recommendations to bridge related gaps. From the survey conducted, it can be seen that the earthquake affected people’s perception of housing (re)construction considerably and it finds that they are more interested in having earthquake resistant houses after the 2015 event. Analysis also shows that, unlike in urban areas, people in rural areas tend to build stronger houses when they understand the scientific reason behind earthquake-induced damages. Lack of financing is a major hindrance for reconstruction in all study areas, and there is a need for government and financial institutes to engage to create favourable financing schemes.
    Keyword Post-disaster housing recontstruction
    Field study
    People's perception
    Copyright Holder Springer
    Copyright Year 2020
    Copyright type All rights reserved
    ISBN 9783030376345
    DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-37635-2_5
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    Created: Mon, 23 Nov 2020, 19:39:50 JST by Austin Gonzales on behalf of UNU EHS