Evaluating privacy during the COVID-19 public health emergency: the case of facial recognition technologies
M. Ramos, Luís Felipe, "Evaluating privacy during the COVID-19 public health emergency: the case of facial recognition technologies" 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2020), Online, 2020/09/23-25.
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Conference Publication
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Sub-type Conference paper Author M. Ramos, Luís Felipe Title Evaluating privacy during the COVID-19 public health emergency: the case of facial recognition technologies Event Series International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV) Publication Date 2020-10 Place of Publication New Delhi Publisher ACM Press Pages 176-179 Title of Event 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2020) Date of Event 2020/09/23-25 Place of Event Online Language eng Abstract The present article aims to discuss how governments have turned to biometric technologies to fight the spread of COVID-19, mainly through the adoption of facial recognition technologies, and the risks to people’s privacy of inadequate measures to protect their personal data. We have identified seven systems from different countries (i.e., China, France, Israel, Poland, Singapore, South Korea, and Russia) that present some form of facial recognition during their operation and pointed out their functionalities and released information on safeguards for data protection. The data collected so far has shown that, in most countries, the necessary safeguards to protect people’s privacy and their personal data in the short-term and long-term, are not receiving sufficient considerations. Keyword biometric technologies
facial recognition
personal data
research line technology
research line peopleCopyright Holder ACM Press Copyright Year 2020 Copyright type All rights reserved ISBN 9781450376747 DOI 10.1145/3428502.3428526 -
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