AGU Fall Meeting 2019
Chapagain,Saroj, Mohan, Geetha, Roder, Giulia, Rimba, Andi B., Mishra, Binaya K. and Fukushi, Kensuke ed. AGU Fall Meeting 2019 2019/12/9-13 San Francisco. Online: American Geophysical Union, 2019.
Document type:
Conference Proceeding
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Sub-type Conference proceedings Author Chapagain,Saroj
Mohan, Geetha
Roder, Giulia
Rimba, Andi B.
Mishra, Binaya K.
Fukushi, KensukeTitle of Event AGU Fall Meeting 2019 Date of Event 2019/12/9-13 Place of Event San Francisco Publication Date 2019-12 Place of Publication Online Publisher American Geophysical Union Pages 1, I Language eng Abstract Despite being rich in fresh water resources, water shortage is a major issue in many parts of Nepal. The water use arrangements among various sectors are commonly institutionalized through the agreement between the water use activities, which seems to be more challenging under the changing socio-economic and political situation. The study examined the water shortage and major issues related to the current water supply system (Mardi River) in Pokhara (Kaski district). The research identified the existence of disputes between upstream and downstream communities related to the existing river water supply system. These were particularly related to sharing of services and benefits derived from good water supply, which were often ignored in the management plans. On the other hand, water demand is increasing in Pokhara city due to rapid population growth and tourism activities. To ensure the sustainable development of the region, implementation of water management policies is necessary. Copyright Holder The Authors Copyright Year 2019 Copyright type Creative commons -
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