When Dictators Fall: Preventing Violent Conflict During Transitions from Authoritarian Rule

Day, Adam, Druet, Dirk and Quaritsch, Luise (2020). When Dictators Fall: Preventing Violent Conflict During Transitions from Authoritarian Rule. United Nations University.

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  • Sub-type Policy brief
    Author Day, Adam
    Druet, Dirk
    Quaritsch, Luise
    Title When Dictators Fall: Preventing Violent Conflict During Transitions from Authoritarian Rule
    Publication Date 2020-05-25
    Place of Publication New York
    Publisher United Nations University
    Pages 42
    Language eng
    Abstract Entrenched authoritarian systems are those where a leader or group has centralized power and resources in a manner that limits meaningful political and economic inclusion, instrumentalizes key State institutions, reduces democratic space and often allows a specific individual to remain in power well beyond typical constitutional limits. This paper concerns the transitions out of entrenched authoritarian rule, the often volatile moments when new leadership comes into power. Some transitions take place peacefully, largely within constitutional order, but others may descend into civil unrest or even escalate into all-out civil war. In support the UN’s prevention mandate, this project is driven by the question, why does one country peacefully transition out of authoritarian rule while another falls into violent conflict, and what can the UN do to influence pathways away from violence? This project draws on scholarship around authoritarianism and neo-patrimonial States as well as original research by United Nations University Centre for Policy Research into entrenched political systems. It identifies four key factors that may influence whether a transition tends to result in violent conflict and offers twelve conclusions and recommendations for the UN when confronted with transitional moments from entrenched authoritarian rule.
    Keyword Peace and Security
    Copyright Holder United Nations University
    Copyright Year 2020
    Copyright type Creative commons
    ISBN 9789280865158
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    Created: Mon, 25 May 2020, 22:34:40 JST by Dursi, Anthony on behalf of UNU Centre