A New Analytical Framework to Explain the Troubling EU (Dis)Integration Dynamics
Hazakis, Konstantinos (2019). A New Analytical Framework to Explain the Troubling EU (Dis)Integration Dynamics. UNU-CRIS Working Papers. United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies.
Document type:
Sub-type Working paper Author Hazakis, Konstantinos Title A New Analytical Framework to Explain the Troubling EU (Dis)Integration Dynamics Series Title UNU-CRIS Working Papers Volume/Issue No. W-2019/10 Publication Date 2019 Place of Publication Bruges Publisher United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies Pages 26 Language eng Abstract Disintegration literature is deprived of a widely accepted policy framework to analyze the rationale, the traits and the impact of European integration/disintegration. This article presents a policy-oriented analytical framework so as to perceive the complex interplay of EU integration-disintegration dynamics. The analysis begins by setting the problem while section two describes the major tenets of existing EU integration theories on disintegration challenges. Section three analyses the content of an alternative analytical framework for understanding EU integration-disintegration dynamics while chapter four concludes and reaches useful policy implications. Keyword European integration
European disintegration
European Union policy frameworkCopyright Holder United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies Copyright Year 2019 Copyright type All rights reserved -
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