Proceedings of the GRoW Midterm Conference – Global analyses and local solutions for sustainable water resources management
Siebert, Stefan, Cornish, Natalie, Doell, Petra, Dubovyk, Olena, Engels, Olga, Eyshi-Rezaei, Ehsan, Gerdener, Helena, Gonzalez, Javier, Graw, Valerie, Hagenlocher, Michael, Herbert, Claudia, Kusche, Juergen, Landmann, Tobias, Meza, Isabel, Nouri, Hamideh, Popat, Eklavyya and Rupp, Daniel ed. Proceedings of the GRoW Midterm Conference – Global analyses and local solutions for sustainable water resources management 2019/02/20-21 Berlin. Berlin: adelphi research gemeinnützige GmbH, 2019.
Document type:
Conference Proceeding
Attached Files (Some files may be inaccessible until you login with your UNU Collections credentials) Name Description MIMEType Size Downloads Siebert_etal_2019_GlobeDrought.pdf Siebert_etal_2019_GlobeDrought.pdf application/pdf 352.22KB -
Sub-type Conference proceedings Author Siebert, Stefan
Cornish, Natalie
Doell, Petra
Dubovyk, Olena
Engels, Olga
Eyshi-Rezaei, Ehsan
Gerdener, Helena
Gonzalez, Javier
Graw, Valerie
Hagenlocher, Michael
Herbert, Claudia
Kusche, Juergen
Landmann, Tobias
Meza, Isabel
Nouri, Hamideh
Popat, Eklavyya
Rupp, DanielTitle of Event Proceedings of the GRoW Midterm Conference – Global analyses and local solutions for sustainable water resources management Date of Event 2019/02/20-21 Place of Event Berlin Publication Date 2019-02 Place of Publication Berlin Publisher adelphi research gemeinnützige GmbH Pages 4 Language eng Abstract In times of drought, water resources are insufficient. These water shortages often have negative effects on agricultural productivity and on associated socioeconomic factors, causing reduced income, food shortages and even famines. The overall objective of GlobeDrought is to develop an integrated drought risk information system which will adequately describe causal links in the formation and development of droughts, connections between the various types of drought hazards (meteorological, hydrological and soil moisture), and associated vulnerabilities. With its planned monitoring and experimental early warning system, the project aims to reduce the time between satellite-based data collection, identification of a drought risk and the implementation of potential countermeasures by political decision-makers and those involved in international humanitarian aid. The global-scale analyses focusing on drought impacts on agricultural systems will be supplemented by detailed analyses for regions heavily affected by droughts such as Southern Africa (South Africa and Zimbabwe), Eastern Brazil, Western India, and the Missouri River Basin of the United States. The results of literature reviews and expert consultations show that it is very important how drought risk analyses are conceptualized and that there is no consolidated, commonly shared framework and methodology for drought risk assessments at the moment. GlobeDrought is therefore also going to contribute to methodological improvements and more precise terminology in drought risk and impact assessments. First outcomes of the global and regional studies show that the modeling tools and sensor data used in GlobeDrought provide a consistent picture of drought development across the domains meteorology, hydrology, agronomy and economy. UNBIS Thesaurus DROUGHT Keyword Integrated risk assessment
Agricultural systems
Water supplyCopyright Holder BMBF funding measure Water as a Global Resource Copyright Year 2019 Copyright type Fair use permitted ISBN 9783942664004 -
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