Drought vulnerability indicators for global-scale drought risk assessments

Meza, Isabel, Hagenlocher, Michael, Naumann, Gustavo, Vogt, Juergen and Frischen, Janna (2019). Drought vulnerability indicators for global-scale drought risk assessments. JRC Techinical Reports. Publications Office of the European Union.

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  • Sub-type Technical report
    Author Meza, Isabel
    Hagenlocher, Michael
    Naumann, Gustavo
    Vogt, Juergen
    Frischen, Janna
    Title Drought vulnerability indicators for global-scale drought risk assessments
    Series Title JRC Techinical Reports
    Publication Date 2019-08
    Place of Publication Luxembourg
    Publisher Publications Office of the European Union
    Pages 62
    Language eng
    Abstract Droughts are complex, multifaceted hazards that affect multiple regions of the world and cause severe environmental and social impacts. The vulnerability to droughts, however, is complex to assess and strongly depends on the sectoral focus as well as on the geographical context of the assessment. This report presents the results of an expert survey that was conducted to weigh drought vulnerability indicators according to their relevance for agricultural systems and domestic water supply. Indicators originate from multiple dimensions (social, economic, infrastructure, crime and conflict, environmental and farming practices) and are grouped into four subcategories: social susceptibility, environmental susceptibility, lack of coping capacity and lack of adaptive capacity. The findings underline that the relevance of indicators strongly varies depending on the sector which is susceptible to the negative impacts of drought. Hence, the most relevant indicators for agricultural systems differentiate significantly from the most important ones for domestic water supply. The results are used in the GlobeDrought project to include expert judgement in the vulnerability assessments. This information will be compiled together with drought hazard and exposure information into a global drought risk assessment.
    UNBIS Thesaurus DROUGHT
    Keyword Vulnerability
    Copyright Holder European Union
    Copyright Year 2019
    Copyright type Fair use permitted
    DOI 10.2760/73844
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    Created: Mon, 26 Aug 2019, 18:06:00 JST by Aarti Basnyat on behalf of UNU EHS