An Overview of the Current State of m-Government Research
Dutra, Débora and Soares, Delfina, "An Overview of the Current State of m-Government Research" 18th European Conference on Digital Government (ECDG 2018), 2018/10/25-26, Santiago de Compostela.
Document type:
Conference Publication
Sub-type Conference paper Author Dutra, Débora
Soares, DelfinaTitle An Overview of the Current State of m-Government Research Event Series European Conference on Digital Government Publication Date 2018-10 Place of Publication Reading Publisher Academic Conferences International Limited Pages 57-67 Title of Event 18th European Conference on Digital Government (ECDG 2018) Date of Event Santiago de Compostela Place of Event 2018/10/25-26 Language eng Abstract Mobile government (m-government) is impacting considerably public services delivery and public citizens’ participation and engagement with government all over the globe. The use of mobile access channels clearly affects the availability and ease of access to government services and platforms, contributing to the overall perception of quality of public services delivery and to the satisfaction of citizens. Considered as a new channel of interaction, mobile devices provide a more agile way of interaction between government institutions and citizens. The extremely high rates of mobile devices penetration, noted both in developed and developing countries, are pushing governments to the development of compatible mobile systems either buy adapting their websites, or by developing and publishing specific mobile apps. This rising of interest around the use of mobile devices to support and facilitate existent or new kind of interactions between citizens and governments captured also the interest of researchers, which started to focus their studies on different aspects related, for instance, to the implementation and adoption of m-government systems. The aim of this paper is to present an overall characterization of the research that has been conducted in the m-government area. The study is based on an extensive literature review conducted on Scopus and Web of Science databases, covering the period from 2000 to 2017, which resulted in the identification of 236 papers, published in scientific journals and conferences. The papers have been analysed according to seven dimensions, namely: year of publication; type of publication; number of authors; authors’ affiliation; topic of study; type of study; and inquiry technique applied. The results show that conferences are still the main type of outlet for m-government publishing; the topics related with m-government implementation and adoption are the most addressed by authors; descriptive works and generating-theory are the predominant types of research; and literature review and reflection on project experience are the inquiry technique of greater evidence. Based on these results some research gaps are identified and recommendations suggested. Keyword mobile government
literature review
mobile apps
m-government researchCopyright Holder Academic Conferences International Limited Copyright Year 2018 Copyright type All rights reserved -
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