Achievements, challenges and ways forward for the Satoyama Development Mechanism: A self-assessment by the SDM Secretariat
Takahashi, Yasuo, Schauffele, Nicolas, Mengrani, Sabrina, Mader, Andre, Scheyvens, Henry, Dasgupta, Rajarshi and Lopez-Casero, Federico (2019). Achievements, challenges and ways forward for the Satoyama Development Mechanism: A self-assessment by the SDM Secretariat. IGES Technical Report. Institute for Global Environmental Strategies.
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Sub-type Technical report Author Takahashi, Yasuo
Schauffele, Nicolas
Mengrani, Sabrina
Mader, Andre
Scheyvens, Henry
Dasgupta, Rajarshi
Lopez-Casero, FedericoTitle Achievements, challenges and ways forward for the Satoyama Development Mechanism: A self-assessment by the SDM Secretariat Series Title IGES Technical Report Publication Date 2019-07 Place of Publication Hayama Publisher Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Pages 58 Language eng Abstract The International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI) is a global network to promote collective efforts for sustainability in socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes (SEPLS), and thereby to contribute to the realisation of “living in harmony with nature”. The Satoyama Development Mechanism (SDM) is a seed funding programme that supports selected projects proposed by IPSI members. This report centred on the way and the extent to which the SDM projects contributed to the IPSI Strategic Objectives, and to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets (ABTs) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We further explored the possibility that the SDM projects were likely to induce transformative change, with particular focus on the policy uptake of the project outputs, the mobilisation of additional investments, partnership building and outreach. In addition, the report provides the results of a self-assessment of the performance of the SDM Secretariat. Copyright Holder Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Copyright Year 2019 Copyright type All rights reserved ISBN 9784887882270 -
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