Towards a Social-oriented Multi-level Framework for International Migration Governance

Channac, Frédérique (2007). Towards a Social-oriented Multi-level Framework for International Migration Governance. UNU Insitute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies.

Document type:

  • Sub-type Working paper
    Author Channac, Frédérique
    Title Towards a Social-oriented Multi-level Framework for International Migration Governance
    Volume/Issue No. 5
    Publication Date 2007
    Place of Publication Bruges
    Publisher UNU Insitute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies
    Language eng

    The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief overview of what’s been happening since the release of the World Commission’s report that could indicate a trend towards the development of a global framework for the cross- border movement of people. Developments related to the three levels of action recommended by the Commission regarding the dialogue on a global framework for cross-border movement of people are examined. Special emphasis is put on the role of the ILO in the elaboration of a global framework for migration, fully respectful of the Commission’s rights-based and democratic approach. One of the main themes underlying this paper, in line with the Commission’s recommendations, is that there could be a relation of mutual reinforcement between a more social-focused regional integration and a more coherent and rights-based global framework for migration.

    Copyright Holder UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies
    Copyright Year 2007
    Copyright type All rights reserved
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    Created: Fri, 15 Feb 2019, 14:19:58 JST