Preferential Rules of Origin and the Multilateral Trading System: Pro-Development Policy Options

De Lombaerde, Philippe and Garay, Luis Jorge (2007). Preferential Rules of Origin and the Multilateral Trading System: Pro-Development Policy Options. UNU Insitute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies.

Document type:

  • Sub-type Working paper
    Author De Lombaerde, Philippe
    Garay, Luis Jorge
    Title Preferential Rules of Origin and the Multilateral Trading System: Pro-Development Policy Options
    Volume/Issue No. 14
    Publication Date 2007
    Place of Publication Bruges
    Publisher UNU Insitute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies
    Language eng

    Since the proliferation of regional trade agreements in the late 1980s and early 1990s(the so-called new regionalism wave), preferential rules of origin (RoO) have also proliferated. The discussion on these rules gradually shifted from a purely technical discussion (‘how to establish the origin of goods not wholly obtained in onecountry?’, and hence, ‘how to apply trade preferences in these cases?’) to a wider discussion touching upon the transaction costs caused by having a ‘spaghetti bowl’ of rules, and also upon their actual or presumed neo-protectionist use.

    In the context of the discussion on possible policy options for developing countries simultaneously involved in (or negotiating) regional and multilateral trade agreements, this note will, in section two, give a brief overview of the findings of therecent empirical literature. This section intends to show how informed and prepared we are to explore policy issues and formulate policy options. In section three, someindications are given on what such policy options could look like.

    Copyright Holder UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies
    Copyright Year 2007
    Copyright type All rights reserved
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