After the 2015 Paris Agreement: The Future of Global Climate Politics and the Role of the European Union
Sub-type Policy brief Author Schunz, Simon Title After the 2015 Paris Agreement: The Future of Global Climate Politics and the Role of the European Union Publication Date 2016 Place of Publication Bruges Publisher UNU Insitute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies Pages 11 Language eng Abstract The Paris climate summit in December 2015 resulted in an Agreement that pragmatically combines the science-driven demand for ambitious global emissions reduction objectives with key Parties’ continued desire to protect their sovereignty. Its im-plementation will depend on a quasi-constant negotiation process over the coming years. > The constructive role played by the European Union during the negotiations of this Agreement allowed it to recover from the reputational damage suffered at the 2009 Copenhagen summit. > Over the coming years, the EU will need to sustain and reinforce this role to contribute to ensuring the environmentally effective implementation of the Agreement. > To this end, both EU internal and external climate policies and related policies need to be strategically geared toward a high level of ambition, based on solid support and ownership from its member states.
Copyright Holder United Nations University on Comparative Regional Integration Studies Copyright Year 2016 Copyright type All rights reserved -
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