The European Union’s Regionalism Diplomacy in Africa: An English School Approach

Staeger, Ueli (2015). The European Union’s Regionalism Diplomacy in Africa: An English School Approach. United Nations University and College of Europe.

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  • Sub-type Working paper
    Author Staeger, Ueli
    Editor Kingah, Stephen
    Schunz, Simon
    Van Langenhove, Luk
    Gstöhl, Sieglinde
    Title The European Union’s Regionalism Diplomacy in Africa: An English School Approach
    Volume/Issue No. 2
    Publication Date 2015
    Place of Publication Bruges
    Publisher United Nations University and College of Europe
    Pages 33
    Language eng
    Abstract This paper proposes an innovative analytical approach to regionalism promotion by the European Union (EU) in Africa. The approach pursues the dual aim of accommodating African approaches to regionalism in EU foreign policy analysis and of expounding the centrality of diplomacy in negotiating a renewed EU-African Union relationship. The concept of ‘regionalism diplomacy’ brings the negotiated and contentious nature of EU regionalism promotion to the fore. The paper espouses contemporary English School thinking about ‘international society’ and argues that EU regionalism promotion cannot just remain the expansion of European regional international society onto Africa. Instead, EU regionalism diplomacy should acknowledge and incorporate the anticolonial pan-African roots of African regionalism. Overall, the EU should seek a more diplomacy-focused, negotiated Africa-Europe interregional relationship. The paper concludes with an outline of a pan-African approach to regionalism diplomacy and avenues for future research.
    UNBIS Thesaurus AFRICA
    Copyright Holder The Author
    Copyright Year 2015
    Copyright type All rights reserved
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    Created: Fri, 15 Feb 2019, 14:21:57 JST