Regional Representation in the WTO - A New Role for Regional Trade Clubs?
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Sub-type Working paper Author Gavin, Brigid Title Regional Representation in the WTO - A New Role for Regional Trade Clubs? Volume/Issue No. 13 Publication Date 2007 Place of Publication Bruges Publisher UNU Insitute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies Language eng Abstract This paper analyses the crisis of decision making in the WTO from the perspective ofcollective action and public goods theory. At the heart of the current policy paralysis isthe inability of WTO members to collectively provide the global public good of amultilateral trade regime that benefits all. The rise of regionalism is explained bygovernments 'voting with their feet' and moving away from multilateralism. As the ECexperience shows, regions not only achieve more 'deep integration', they also provideregional public goods. Regional preferences are more homogeneous, values are moresimilar and socio-cultural ties closer than at the global level, which facilitates regionalcollective action. The paper proposes the creation of a 'Club of Regions' in the WTO asa means to recreate incentives for collective action at the global level. It would providea remedy for the present policy paralysis associated with consensus and the singleundertaking by providing a more flexible institutional framework and allow regionalactors to play a more positive role at the multilateral level.
Keyword Collective action
Public goods
Club goods
RegionalismCopyright Holder UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies Copyright Year 2007 Copyright type All rights reserved -
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