How do Peace and Security Cluster Regionally?
Sub-type Working paper Author Tavares, Rodrigo Title How do Peace and Security Cluster Regionally? Volume/Issue No. 13/07 Publication Date 2007 Place of Publication Bruges Publisher GARNET Language eng Abstract The aim of this article is to comprehend how peace and security cluster at the regional level. In a globalized and interconnected world each polity engages in a wide range of different relationships with other polities. Peace and security embody one of these relations as to feel secure or to be in peace entails managing a relationship with the ‘other’. Firstly, the article explores the conceptual meaning and the linkage between peace and security. This will pave the way for the assessment of the spatial extension where peace and security relations are located. In the second part, the article introduces a regional dimension and describes schematically how peace and security cluster regionally.
UNU Topics of Focus Peace Keyword Security
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ViolenceCopyright Holder University of Warwick Copyright Year 2007 Copyright type All rights reserved -
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