Bring Peace and Security back into the European Dream
Van Langenhove, Luk, (26-0). Bring Peace and Security back into the European Dream. Europe's World, 1-1
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Author Van Langenhove, Luk Title Bring Peace and Security back into the European Dream Appearing in Europe's World Publication Date 26-09-2015 Place of Publication Brussels Publisher Friends of Europe Start page 1 End page 1 Language EN Abstract The European integration process has its origins in a dream of at long last achieving peace on the European continent. The road towards that dream was reconciling France and Germany, and building a FrancoGerman axis of dialogue and cooperation. Integrating our economies was seen as a tool for sustaining this peace. But gradually, after the 1957 Treaty of Rome, attention focused on economics itself. What was originally a means to an end became an end in itself. Deepening economic integration between member states became the new dream so Europe could compete on global markets.
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