The rise of trans-border regions in Southeast Asia: behind the dynamics of informal and formal integration processes in the ‘Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapore’ growth triangle

Nadalutti, Elisabetta, (2015). The rise of trans-border regions in Southeast Asia: behind the dynamics of informal and formal integration processes in the ‘Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapore’ growth triangle. The Pacific Review, 28(4), 607-630

Document type:

  • Author Nadalutti, Elisabetta
    Title The rise of trans-border regions in Southeast Asia: behind the dynamics of informal and formal integration processes in the ‘Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapore’ growth triangle
    Appearing in The Pacific Review
    Volume 28
    Issue No. 4
    Publication Date 2015
    Place of Publication Oxford
    Publisher Taylor and Francis
    Start page 607
    End page 630
    Language EN

    This article aims to generate new thinking through application of the concept of transborder governance to SoutheastAsia within the framework of new regionalism theory in order to fill some gaps in transborder governance theory. In doing so, it will first elucidate in more detail what actors are involved in transborder cooperation activities, how their responsibilities, jurisdictions and relative powers can be or have been altered by the interaction and whether transborder cooperation can be used as a tool for further 'integration' or conversely whether it can enhance, as a counter effect, 'disintegration'. In examining the (economic and political) power relations developed within and between different levels of governments and relevant economic and political stakeholders in 'growth triangles', the author aims to clarify the impact of these elements on transborder governance.

    Copyright Holder Taylor and Francis
    Copyright Year 2015
    Copyright type All Rights Reserved
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    Created: Fri, 15 Feb 2019, 13:43:07 JST