The EU as a Global Player
Author Van Langenhove, Luk
Söderbaum, Fredrik
Farrell, Mary
Santander, Sebastian
Gilson, Julie
Aggarwal, Vinod K.
Fogartry, Edward A.
Smith, Karen E.
Stålgren, PatrickEditor Söderbaum, Fredrik
Van Langenhove, LukTitle The EU as a Global Player Publication Date 2006 Place of Publication London Publisher Routledge Abstract A new look at the European Union's role as a global actor, with special focus on the theme of interregionalism in its relations with key regions around the world: Africa, Asia, South America, North America and Central-Eastern Europe.
This new collection clearly shows how, since the end of the Cold War, the European Union has gradually expanded its external relations and foreign policies and become a global actor in world politics. During the last decade interregionalism has become a key component of the EU's external relations and foreign policies. In fact, the EU has quickly become the hub of a large number of interregional arrangements with a number of regions around the world. Promoting regional and interregional relations not only justifies and enhances the EU's own existence and efficiency as a global 'player', the strategy also promotes the legitimacy and status of other regions, giving rise to a deepening of cross-cutting interregional relations in trade and economic relations, political dialogue, development cooperation, cultural relations and security cooperation.
This book was previously published as a special issue of the leading Journal of European Integration.Copyright Holder Routledge Copyright Year 2006 Copyright type All rights reserved -
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