Quantitative analysis of national biodiversity strategy and action plans about incorporating integrated approaches in production landscapes
Uetake, Tomoko, Kabaya, Kei, Ichikawa, Kaoru, Noriko Moriwake and Hashimoto, Shizuka, (2019). Quantitative analysis of national biodiversity strategy and action plans about incorporating integrated approaches in production landscapes. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, n/a-n/a
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Sub-type Journal article Author Uetake, Tomoko
Kabaya, Kei
Ichikawa, Kaoru
Noriko Moriwake
Hashimoto, ShizukaTitle Quantitative analysis of national biodiversity strategy and action plans about incorporating integrated approaches in production landscapes Appearing in Journal of Environmental Planning and Management Publication Date 2019-02-13 Place of Publication London Publisher Routledge, Taylor and Francis Start page n/a End page n/a Language eng Abstract A global crisis for production landscapes has shed light on the importance of sustainable management of these landscapes in an integrated manner at local and national levels. However, there is a lack of quantitative research on the integration of relevant concepts into national-level policies and planning. Thus, we analyzed the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans (NBSAPs) of 133 Convention on Biological Diversity parties using a text mining method to determine the current global situation regarding production landscape policies. The statistical results showed that (1) about half of parties mentioned integrated approaches in production landscapes (e.g., cultural landscapes, socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes), (2) there were some regional differences in the number of references, (3) the introduction of these concepts has been increasing worldwide, and (4) these concepts have been accorded higher priority in national policy and planning. Keyword Cultural landscapes
Landscape approach
National biodiversity strategies and action plans (NBSAPs)
Socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes (SEPLS)
Text miningCopyright Holder The Authors Copyright Year 2019 Copyright type Creative commons DOI /10.1080/09640568.2018.1530202 -
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