The Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystem Services and Resulting Losses and Damages to People and Society
van der Geest, Kees, de Sherbinin, Alex, Kienberger, Stefan, Zommers, Zinta, Sitati, Asha, Roberts, Erin and James, Rachel, "The Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystem Services and Resulting Losses and Damages to People and Society" in Loss and Damage from Climate Change Concepts, Methods and Policy Options ed. Mechler, Reinhard, Bouwer, Laurens, Schinko, Thomas, Surminski, Swenja and Linnerooth-Bayer, JoAnne (Cham: Springer, 2018), 221-236.
Document type:
Book Chapter
Attached Files (Some files may be inaccessible until you login with your UNU Collections credentials) Name Description MIMEType Size Downloads vanderGeest_et_al_2019_LD_EcosystemServices_META.pdf vanderGeest et al 2019_LD_EcosystemServices_META.pdf application/pdf 677.87KB -
Author van der Geest, Kees
de Sherbinin, Alex
Kienberger, Stefan
Zommers, Zinta
Sitati, Asha
Roberts, Erin
James, RachelBook Editor Mechler, Reinhard
Bouwer, Laurens
Schinko, Thomas
Surminski, Swenja
Linnerooth-Bayer, JoAnneChapter Title The Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystem Services and Resulting Losses and Damages to People and Society Book Title Loss and Damage from Climate Change Concepts, Methods and Policy Options Publication Date 2018 Place of Publication Cham Publisher Springer Start page 221 End page 236 Language eng Abstract So far, studies of Loss and Damage from climate change have focused primarily on human systems and tended to overlook the mediating role of ecosystems and the services ecosystems provide to society. This is a significant knowledge gap because losses and damages to human systems often result from permanent or temporary disturbances to ecosystems services caused by climatic stressors. This chapter tries to advance understanding of the impacts of climatic stressors on ecosystems and implications for losses and damages to people and society. It introduces a conceptual framework for studying these complex relations and applies this framework to a case study of multi-annual drought in the West-African Sahel. The case study shows that causal links between climate change and a specific event, with subsequent losses and damages, are often complicated. Oversimplification must be avoided and the role of various factors, such as governance or management of natural resources, should be at the centre of future research. UNBIS Thesaurus CLIMATE CHANGE Keyword Loss and damage
Ecosystem Services
Adaptation limits and constraints
AfricaCopyright Holder The Authors Copyright Year 2019 Copyright type Creative commons ISBN 9783319720 DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-72026-5_9 -
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