Towards Informing Human-centric ICT Standardization for Data-driven Societies
Thinyane, Mamello, (2018). Towards Informing Human-centric ICT Standardization for Data-driven Societies. Journal of ICT Standardization, 6(3), 179-202
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Sub-type Journal article Author Thinyane, Mamello Title Towards Informing Human-centric ICT Standardization for Data-driven Societies Appearing in Journal of ICT Standardization Volume 6 Issue No. 3 Publication Date 2018-12 Place of Publication Delft Publisher River Publishers Start page 179 End page 202 Language eng Abstract Information and communication technology (ICT) standards play a crucial role towards harnessing technological developments and shaping the technology landscape. ICT standards development is largely driven by standards developing organizations or standards setting organizations that represent and are informed by the perspectives and interests of the ICT private sector and the public sector. Thus the shaping of the standards is mostly driven by the business, technical, and legal impetus, towards facilitating greater market influence, coordination, integration, interoperability, and legal conformity. The technocentric, business-focused perspective to ICT developments, and corollary to ICT standards development, is distinct from and can be orthogonal to the human-centric perspective that elevates the role and centrality of the human concerns over the technology and business concerns. Notwithstanding the crucial role of business and technology, it remains that at the centre of the 21st century data-driven societies are individuals and end-users who are the primary actants and agents within the technology and data ecosystems. This gives motivation for infusing the human perspectives and values into technology development as well as into ICT standards development. This is more pronounced for cases where the business and technocentric interests are at odds and opposed to the human interests, such as, the need for increased datafication to support Big Data developments versus the need for individuals’privacy preservation. In this research, which is framed through a case study of personal health informatics in the context of sustainable development (i.e., sustainable development goal on “health and wellbeing” – SDG3) indicators monitoring, we have undertaken a survey to investigate the human-centric values and attitudes associated with the collection and use of personal data. From this inquiry, the paper highlights and surfaces: individuals attitudes and perceptions around monitoring of social indicators; key considerations associated with data ownership, privacy and confidentiality of data, as well as sharing of personal data within the data ecosystem. The paper then discusses how these findings could inform and be infused into the development of technology artefacts and standards, towards a realization of more human-centric data-informed societies. Keyword Data-driven societies
Human-centric ICTCopyright Holder The Author Copyright Year 2018 Copyright type All rights reserved DOI 10.13052/jicts2245-800X.631 -
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