Cradled by Conflict: Implications for Programming
Seymour, Claudia (2018). Cradled by Conflict: Implications for Programming. Cradled by Conflict. United Nations University.
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Subtitle Preventing And Responding To Child Recruitment And Use In Contemporary Conflicts Sub-type Technical report Author Seymour, Claudia Title Cradled by Conflict: Implications for Programming Series Title Cradled by Conflict Publication Date 2018-08-01 Place of Publication New York Publisher United Nations University Pages 75 Language eng Abstract This Technical Note aims to help guide programming intended to prevent and address the recruitment and use of children by armed groups in today’s conflicts. It is an output of the United Nations University’s Children and Extreme Violence Project, which sought to fill key knowledge gaps about how and why children become associated with, are used by, and leave armed groups in contemporary conflicts, particularly those groups deemed “terrorist” or “violent extremist”. The project was a collaboration of UNU, UNICEF, DPKO, and the Governments of Luxembourg and Switzerland. This note is based on the research findings in UNU’s Cradled by Conflict: Child Involvement with Armed Groups in Contemporary Conflict (2018) and extensive consultations with practitioners and children to determine how existing programming and practice might be strengthened to respond to the particular challenges facing child protection practitioners in contemporary conflicts. The aim of this technical note is to supplement existing programming tools and literature for child protection practitioners and partners working on the prevention of child recruitment and use, and the release, and reintegration of children associated with armed forces or armed groups (CAAFAG) in contemporary conflict settings. UNBIS Thesaurus CHILDREN IN ARMED CONFLICTS
Human rightsCopyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2018 Copyright type Creative commons ISBN 9789280890785 -
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