Food Security of Adolescents in Selected Khat and Coffee-Growing Areas in the Sidama Zone, Southern Ethiopia

Juju, Denabo Billo, Sekiyama, Makiko and Saito, Osamu, (2018). Food Security of Adolescents in Selected Khat and Coffee-Growing Areas in the Sidama Zone, Southern Ethiopia. Nutrients, 10(8), 1-14

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  • Sub-type Journal article
    Author Juju, Denabo Billo
    Sekiyama, Makiko
    Saito, Osamu
    Title Food Security of Adolescents in Selected Khat and Coffee-Growing Areas in the Sidama Zone, Southern Ethiopia
    Appearing in Nutrients
    Volume 10
    Issue No. 8
    Publication Date 2018-07-27
    Place of Publication Online
    Publisher MDPI AG
    Start page 1
    End page 14
    Language eng
    Abstract Whilst pervasive food insecurity exists among adolescents in Ethiopia, the available information is scant and inconsistent. Therefore, the main objective of this cross-sectional study was to contribute to these gaps by assessing the food security of adolescents in the selected khat and coffee-growing areas. We selected 234 (117 girls and 117 boys) adolescents aged 12–18 years via stratified random sampling. We measured the height and weight of the adolescents and asked about their food insecurity experiences. We assessed the prevalence of stunting and thinness using the WHO 2007 growth reference standards. Out of the total, 17 (7.3%) and 30 (12.8%) adolescents were stunted and thin, respectively. In addition, 89 (38.0%) adolescents reported food insecurity experiences and nine (3.8%) were overweight. A regression analyses showed that the stunting was associated with the age of the adolescents and maternal education. Thinness was associated with area, gender, and the number of meals. Food insecurity experiences were associated with health problems in the past 30 days. In general, adolescents from the khat-growing area have better food security than those from the coffee-growing area, and the same is true, gender-wise, for girls compared to boys. We recommend possible interventions primarily for adolescents in coffee-growing areas.
    Keyword Adolescents
    Food security
    Copyright Holder The Authors
    Copyright Year 2018
    Copyright type Creative commons
    DOI 10.3390/nu10080980
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