Accounting shadow benefits of non-market food through food-sharing networks on Hachijo Island, Japan

Tatebayashi, Kana, Kamiyama, Chiho, Matsui, Takanori, Saito, Osamu and Machimura, Takashi, (2018). Accounting shadow benefits of non-market food through food-sharing networks on Hachijo Island, Japan. Sustainability Science, 1-18

Document type:

  • Sub-type Journal article
    Author Tatebayashi, Kana
    Kamiyama, Chiho
    Matsui, Takanori
    Saito, Osamu
    Machimura, Takashi
    Title Accounting shadow benefits of non-market food through food-sharing networks on Hachijo Island, Japan
    Appearing in Sustainability Science
    Publication Date 2018-05-24
    Place of Publication Online
    Publisher Springer Japan
    Start page 1
    End page 18
    Language eng
    Abstract People in rural areas often grow foods in their home gardens and share them through food-sharing networks. Besides the obvious economic benefits, such shared food via non-market transactions enriches the inhabitants’ lives by strengthening their social relationships and nutritional quality. These shadow benefits of non-market food are qualitatively recognized, but have not been fully integrated into formal accounting systems. Thus, the present study quantifies the shadow benefits of food-sharing networks by considering the non-market food distribution on Hachijo Island, Japan. Based on interviews and questionnaire surveys, we graphically visualized the structure of the food-sharing networks and the seasonality of the shared-food species. The study revealed the proportions of foods acquired through self-production, sharing networks and purchases by systematic food category, and quantified the monetary and nutritional values of the non-market foods. The island residents shared various seasonal foods within and beyond the island, and the non-market food was beneficial to their health. More than 20% of the islanders’ annual consumption of potatoes, vegetables, seafood, and fruits were obtained through the food-sharing networks. Non-market food largely saved the household expenditure and provided a wide variety of nutrients. As future perspectives of food-sharing networks, we suggest balancing market-based and non-market food provisions, promoting local production for local consumption, and designing local food resilience in disaster events.
    Keyword Biodiversity
    Nature Resource Management
    Copyright Holder Springer Japan KK
    Copyright Year 2018
    Copyright type All rights reserved
    DOI 10.1007/s11625-018-0580-3
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    Created: Mon, 04 Jun 2018, 16:06:28 JST by PEGUES, Susan Scott on behalf of UNU IAS