Preventing Tomorrow's Conflicts: Final Report from a Speaker Series within the context of United Nations discussions on Sustaining Peace
Cockayne, James, "Preventing Tomorrow's Conflicts: Final Report from a Speaker Series within the context of United Nations discussions on Sustaining Peace" Preventing Tomorrow's Conflicts, New York, 2018/04/18.
Document type:
Conference Publication
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Sub-type Workshop paper Author Cockayne, James Title Preventing Tomorrow's Conflicts: Final Report from a Speaker Series within the context of United Nations discussions on Sustaining Peace Event Series Preventing Tomorrow's Conflicts Speaker Series Publication Date 2018-04-18 Place of Publication New York Publisher United Nations University Pages 8 Title of Event Preventing Tomorrow's Conflicts Date of Event 2018/04/18 Place of Event New York Language eng Abstract With a view to helping the United Nations community address these questions, the Permanent Mission of Australia to the United Nations and the United Nations University convened a Speaker Series on Preventing Tomorrow’s Conflicts in New York, comprising seven events running from October 2017 to March 2018. The purpose of the Speaker Series was not to prepare formal proposals for adoption in any UN or intergovernmental process, but to take an over-the-horizon approach designed to inform ongoing policy deliberations. The Speaker Series brought over 25 experts to the United Nations in New York to discuss with diplomats, officials and other stakeholders what tomorrow’s conflicts may look like, and how the UN can help to prevent them. More than 300 people from 40 UN Missions, the UN system, academia, the press and civil society and attended events in the series. To foster candour and constructive dialogue, the Speaker Series was held under the Chatham House Rule. As this is the case, the synopses of the eight events in the series offered below provide only a broad overview of the themes discussed and limited attribution of themes and ideas. A more in-depth analysis of the major lessons that emerged across the Series is offered at the end of this report. UNBIS Thesaurus WOMEN
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