Fairly Clear Risks: Protecting UN sanctions’ legitimacy and effectiveness through fair and clear procedures
Cockayne, James, Brubaker, Rebecca and Jayakody, Nadeshda (2018). Fairly Clear Risks: Protecting UN sanctions’ legitimacy and effectiveness through fair and clear procedures. United Nations University.
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Attached Files (Some files may be inaccessible until you login with your UNU Collections credentials) Name Description MIMEType Size Downloads UNU_FairlyClearRisks_FINAL_Web.pdf Fairly Clear Risks: Protecting UN sanctions’ legitimacy and effectiveness through fair and clear procedures application/pdf 780.98KB -
Sub-type Research report Author Cockayne, James
Brubaker, Rebecca
Jayakody, NadeshdaTitle Fairly Clear Risks: Protecting UN sanctions’ legitimacy and effectiveness through fair and clear procedures Publication Date 2018-03 Place of Publication New York Publisher United Nations University Pages 55 Language eng Abstract Sanctions imposed by the United Nations Security Council affect large numbers of people, businesses and governments worldwide. They are central to the UN’s efforts to maintain international peace and security. A recent wave of litigation suggests that ‘fair process’ concerns raised in relation to UN sanctions on ISIL, Da’esh and Al Qaida are now providing the basis for litigation of other UN sanctions regimes, including those dealing with armed conflicts and nuclear proliferation. ‘Fairly Clear Risks’, an independent study from UN University, reviews 47 fair process challenges to UN sanctions from 12 jurisdictions, assesses the risks that UN sanctions now face. The report suggests steps that might be taken to protect their legitimacy and effectiveness at a crucial moment for the UN system. UNBIS Thesaurus TERRORISM
SANCTIONSKeyword UN Security Council Copyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2018 Copyright type All rights reserved ISBN 9789280890631 -
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