Conflict Prevention in Nepal: Background Paper for the United Nations World Bank Study on Conflict Prevention

von Einsiedel, Sebastian and Salih, Cale (2017). Conflict Prevention in Nepal: Background Paper for the United Nations World Bank Study on Conflict Prevention. Conflict Prevention Series. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research.

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  • Sub-type Policy brief
    Author von Einsiedel, Sebastian
    Salih, Cale
    Title Conflict Prevention in Nepal: Background Paper for the United Nations World Bank Study on Conflict Prevention
    Series Title Conflict Prevention Series
    Volume/Issue No. 1
    Publication Date 2017
    Place of Publication Tokyo
    Publisher United Nations University Centre for Policy Research
    Pages 17
    Language eng
    Abstract The new UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, has made prevention his top priority. Conflict prevention is now understood not only in terms of averting the outbreak, but also the continuation, escalation and recurrence, of conflict. The Secretary-General has recognised that in order for the UN to shift from its current, largely reactive, posture to a prevention-oriented approach, it will need to better integrate its peace and security, development and human rights pillars of work. Sustaining peace and sustainable development will need to work hand in glove, rather than along two separate tracks as has often been the case in the past. In an effort to help shift the system toward this new approach, the UN and the World Bank are undertaking a joint flagship study on Preventing Violent Conflict. UNU-CPR produced this case study on lessons learned from the experiences of the UN and other actors in conflict resolution in Nepal as a backgrounder for the UN-World Bank study.
    Copyright Holder United Nations University
    Copyright Year 2017
    Copyright type All rights reserved
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