Ecological Restoration: Approaches and Impacts on Vegetation, Soils and Society
Aradottir, Asa L. and Hagen, Dagmar, "Ecological Restoration: Approaches and Impacts on Vegetation, Soils and Society" in Advances in Agronomy ed. Sparks, Donald L. (Oxford: Elsevier, 2013), 173-222.
Document type:
Book Chapter
Author Aradottir, Asa L.
Hagen, DagmarBook Editor Sparks, Donald L. Chapter Title Ecological Restoration: Approaches and Impacts on Vegetation, Soils and Society Book Title Advances in Agronomy Publication Date 2013 Place of Publication Oxford Publisher Elsevier Start page 173 End page 222 Language eng Abstract Ecological restoration has a growing role in policy aimed at reversing the widespread effects of environmental degradation. It includes activities to assist the recovery of ecosystem structure and function, and the associated provision of goods and services. Rooted in ecological theory, ecological restoration requires an integrated approach of different disciplines; including soil science, hydrology and conservation biology, together with the relevant socioeconomical and political frameworks. Ecological restoration interventions also rely on applied fields such as agronomy, horticulture and forestry. We clarify some of the main approaches and challenges of ecological restoration in order to encourage cooperation of professionals with a wide array of background and skills needed for successful restoration practices. We also discuss the diverse impacts of ecological restoration on ecosystems and societies. Restoration of soil quality together with improved nutrient cycling, water retention, pollination services and regulation of soil erosion can benefit traditional agricultural production through improved crop or forage production. It also enhances the provision of other important ecosystem services, including clean water, wildlife habitat, carbon sequestration and recreation. Payments for such ecosystem services are a growing source of income for rural inhabitants. Ecological restoration can also create new job opportunities in rural areas, e.g. nature-based tourism, game hunting and businesses based on native plant materials. Agricultural extension services should support these kinds of initiatives by putting ecological restoration to a larger degree on their agenda and provide expertise in this field. Keyword Agriculture
Ecosystem Services
Environmental degradation
Restoration ecologyCopyright Holder Elsevier Copyright Year 2013 Copyright type All rights reserved ISBN 9780124076860 DOI 10.1016/B978-0-12-407686-0.00003-8 -
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