Climate risk insurance for resilience: Assessing countries' implementation plans
Kreft, Soenke, Schaefer, Laura, Behre, Eike and Matias, Denise (2017). Climate risk insurance for resilience: Assessing countries' implementation plans. Report. UNU-EHS.
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Sub-type Research report Author Kreft, Soenke
Schaefer, Laura
Behre, Eike
Matias, DeniseTitle Climate risk insurance for resilience: Assessing countries' implementation plans Series Title Report Volume/Issue No. 23 Publication Date 2017-11 Place of Publication Bonn Publisher UNU-EHS Pages 46 Language eng Abstract This report provides the first bottom-up assessment of countries’ articulated demands over climate risk insurance in their climate policy pledges as part of the Paris Agreement. It is the result of a collaboration between the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII) and the German Development Institute (GDI/DIE). In conjunction with the launch of this report, the NDC Explorer – the leading interactive online visualization tool on countries’ commitments to the Paris Agreement – is to be updated to capture countries’ intended policies on climate risk insurance. In a first section, the report elaborates on what climate risk insurance means for resilience; the main part consists of an analysis of climate risk insurance and how it is featured in the NDCs; and lastly, the report concludes with policy recommendations. Keyword Climate Risk Insurance
Nationally Determined Contributions
Risk transfer
Paris Agreement
UNFCCCCopyright Holder UNU-EHS Copyright Year 2017 Copyright type Creative commons ISSN 23040459 ISBN 9783944535579 -
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