Sustaining Fishery Resources for Economic Growth in Africa
Tebeka, Shiferaw M. (2017). Sustaining Fishery Resources for Economic Growth in Africa. UNU-INRA Policy Brief. United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa.
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Sub-type Policy brief Author Tebeka, Shiferaw M. Editor Igbatayo Samuel Aderemi
Atewamba, Calvin
Yong Nje, Dorothé
Nutakor, PraiseTitle Sustaining Fishery Resources for Economic Growth in Africa Series Title UNU-INRA Policy Brief Volume/Issue No. 17 Publication Date 2017-09-19 Place of Publication Accra Publisher United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa Pages 4 Language eng Abstract The fishery sector plays a pivotal role in global food security, both in terms of consumption and production, as well as trade and employment. Attaining green growth in the fishery sector would help alleviate poverty, because of the benefits from trade, employment opportunities and sustainable food security. This study examined the potential of the fishery sector to mitigate poverty and the growing unemployment rate in Africa. Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Mauritania, Morocco, Namibia, Niger, São Tomé and Príncipe, and Seychelles were used as the target sample areas from the five African sub-regions for the study. The findings revealed that the fishing sector’s potential in mitigating poverty and unemployment in the context of a green economy was unsustainable due to over-exploitation of the fishery stock, underutilization of the fishery resource, high employment pressure on the sector, and the increased frequency of export border rejection in the export market destinations because of quality deterioration. UNBIS Thesaurus FOOD SECURITY
SustainabilityCopyright Holder United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa Copyright Year 2017 Copyright type Fair use permitted ISBN 9789988633004 -
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