里山・里海:日本の社会生態学的生産ランドスケープ― 西日本の経験と教訓―
Japan Satoyama Satoumi Assessment Western Japan Cluster (2010). 里山・里海:日本の社会生態学的生産ランドスケープ― 西日本の経験と教訓―. United Nations University.
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Sub-type Research report Author Japan Satoyama Satoumi Assessment Western Japan Cluster Title 里山・里海:日本の社会生態学的生産ランドスケープ― 西日本の経験と教訓― Publication Date 2010 Place of Publication Tokyo Publisher United Nations University Pages 101 Language jpn Abstract The report of the Western Japan Cluster is one of six reports, a series of “Experiences and Lessons from Clusters” that present the findings of each cluster and sub-cluster assessment of the Japan Satoyama Satoumi Assessment (JSSA) in Japanese. The JSSA, a study of the interaction between humans and terrestrial-aquatic ecosystems (satoyama) and marine-coastal ecosystems (satoumi) in Japan, was undertaken between 2007-2010 in five major “clusters” throughout Japan, with the goal of encompassing different geographical, climatic, and political characteristics. These clusters are: Hokkaido Cluster, Tohoku Cluster, Hokushinetsu Cluster, Kanto-chubu Cluster, and Western Japan Cluster. Keyword Satoyama
Socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes (SEPLS)Copyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2010 Copyright type All rights reserved -
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