Green Energy Benefits: Policy Options for Kenya

Osiolo, Helen H. (2017). Green Energy Benefits: Policy Options for Kenya. UNU-INRA Policy Brief. United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa.

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  • Author Osiolo, Helen H.
    Editor Shakespear, Mudombi
    Atewamba, Calvin
    Nutakor, Praise
    Title Green Energy Benefits: Policy Options for Kenya
    Series Title UNU-INRA Policy Brief
    Volume/Issue No. 13
    Publication Date 2017-02-24
    Place of Publication Accra
    Publisher United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa
    Pages 4
    Language eng
    Abstract The importance of renewable energy in creating employment, boosting economic growth, addressing poverty, environmental degradation, pollution, soil erosion and biodiversity loss has received less attention in Kenya. Currently, the focus is mainly on increasing the share of electricity generation from renewable energy. However, the underlying factors driving this initiative are mostly for energy diversity and security as a response to climate change and volatile fossil fuel prices. Employment creation and economic growth drivers have largely been ignored despite their positive contribution to citizens’ welfare. In designing renewable energy policies, it is imperative to understand the importance of renewable energy in creating employment and enhancing economic growth.
    Keyword Green economy
    Renewable energy
    Copyright Holder United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa
    Copyright Year 2017
    Copyright type Fair use permitted
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    Created: Fri, 24 Feb 2017, 21:19:31 JST by Praise Nutakor on behalf of UNU INRA