Brief communication: Loss and damage from a catastrophic landslide in Nepal

van der Geest, Kees and Schindler, Markus, (2016). Brief communication: Loss and damage from a catastrophic landslide in Nepal. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, (16), 1-4

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  • Sub-type Journal article
    Author van der Geest, Kees
    Schindler, Markus
    Title Brief communication: Loss and damage from a catastrophic landslide in Nepal
    Appearing in Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
    Issue No. 16
    Publication Date 2016
    Place of Publication Bonn
    Publisher Copernicus publications
    Start page 1
    End page 4
    Language eng
    Abstract This brief communication reports key findings of a recent piece of research that studied the impacts of the 2014 Jure landslide in Sindhupalchok (Nepal) and the effectiveness of household preventive and coping measures. The people-centered methods reveal not just what was lost in the disaster, but also how and why. A key finding of the household survey is that households in higher income groups incurred higher losses in monetary terms, simply because they had more to lose. By contrast, lower-income households lost more in relative terms: the value of their losses amounted to 14 times their annual earnings. Many lower-income households will never fully recover from this blow to their livelihoods and wellbeing. The findings have important implications for discussions on loss and damage valuation, compensation and relief.
    Keyword Loss and damage
    Disaster Risk
    Copyright Holder United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security
    Copyright Year 2016
    Copyright type Creative commons
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    Created: Wed, 02 Nov 2016, 20:24:01 JST by Aarti Basnyat on behalf of UNU EHS