Fighting Human Trafficking in Conflict: 10 Ideas for Action by the United Nations Security Council
Cockayne, James and Walker, Summer, "Fighting Human Trafficking in Conflict: 10 Ideas for Action by the United Nations Security Council" Fighting Human Trafficking in Conflict, New Canaan, 2016/06/30-07/01.
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Conference Publication
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Sub-type Workshop paper Author Cockayne, James
Walker, SummerTitle Fighting Human Trafficking in Conflict: 10 Ideas for Action by the United Nations Security Council Publication Date 2016-09-08 Place of Publication New York Publisher United Nations University Pages xi, 45 Title of Event Fighting Human Trafficking in Conflict Date of Event 2016/06/30-07/01 Place of Event New Canaan Language eng Abstract In December 2015, the United Nations Security Council held its first-ever thematic debate on Trafficking in Persons in Situations of Conflict. The Security Council adopted a Presidential Statement that signalled a willingness to explore concrete steps to strengthen the international response to human trafficking, and requested a report from the Secretary-General, within a year, on steps taken within the UN system. There are real practical and political limits to Security Council action on this issue. But there is also now a unique opening for action. To explore these possibilities and limits, on 30 June and 1 July 2016, United Nations University and the Permanent Missions of the United Kingdom and of Liechtenstein to the United Nations organized a two-day workshop, with the support of Thomson Reuters and the Grace Farms Foundation. This workshop brought together 100 expert participants from Permanent Missions to the United Nations, UN entities, national law enforcement agencies, Financial Intelligence Units, the technology sector, the financial sector, media and civil society. This report distils insights from the Workshop regarding the connections between human trafficking and conflict; considers what forms of leverage are available to the Security Council to address this phenomenon; and summarizes the Ideas for Action emerging from the Workshop. Human trafficking, as defined by the relevant protocol to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, relates to a variety of forms of exploitation, including modern slavery and enslavement crimes, child recruitment, sex slavery, organ trafficking, forced labour and forced military service. The report identifies three patterns of human trafficking in armed conflict situations: 1) human trafficking within and into conflict-affected areas; 2) child recruitment by non-state armed groups (NSAGs); and 3) human trafficking issuing from conflict-affected areas. This report considers that the role of the Security Council will need to vary, depending on the nature of the human trafficking activity. In some cases, it may be direct and disruptive. In others it may be more normative, or may involve shaping the UN’s field response. In each of these areas, the Security Council can also take action to encourage and support other actors – Member States, regional organizations, the private sector – to pay attention to and address human trafficking in conflict. 10 Ideas for Action developed by Workshop Participants are summarized in this report. Broadly, they fall into four potential contributions that the Security Council can make in the effort to fight human trafficking in conflict: Denunciation and Accountability – using the Security Council’s authority and legitimacy to denounce human trafficking in conflict, to reinforce global norms against it, to counter the emerging narrative normalizing slavery in conflict, and to promote accountability; Disruption – through data-sharing (particularly amongst law enforcement and financial sector actors), monitoring, use of existing sanctions tools, and fostering private sector due diligence; Protection – strengthening capabilities to identify, assist and protect civilians vulnerable to human trafficking in conflict; and A framework for future action – involving the establishment of a new position of Special Representative of the Secretary-General, an annual report, and an annual Open Debate. UNBIS Thesaurus CONFLICT
SLAVERYKeyword Human trafficking
UN Security CouncilCopyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2016 Copyright type All rights reserved ISBN 9789280890310 -
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