Education provision for Syrian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey: Preventing a “Lost Generation”
Beste, Alice (2015). Education provision for Syrian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey: Preventing a “Lost Generation”. UNU-GCM.
Document type:
Sub-type Research report Author Beste, Alice Title Education provision for Syrian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey: Preventing a “Lost Generation” Publication Date 2015-08-13 Place of Publication Barcelona Publisher UNU-GCM Pages 14 Language eng Abstract As we enter the fifth year of the Syrian conflict, which began in 2011, it is becoming clear that this crisis could lead to the long-term displacement of Syrian refugees. Education is an “essential platform for protection, social stabilization and economic recovery” (UNICEF et al., 2013). Access to quality education is key to ensuring the continued learning of children displaced due to the on-going conflict in Syria. A high proportion of uneducated Syrians will have serious individual and societal consequences. Education provision for Syrian children in their host countries is therefore indispensable. Yet, 57% of the region’s children are currently not attending school. This report discusses the education provision for Syrian refugees in three neighbouring countries; Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. It will specifically look at the educational possibilities for Syrian refugee girls and the role these can play in reducing gender-specific vulnerabilities that girls can experience in times of displacement. Copyright Holder UNU-GCM Copyright Year 2015 Copyright type Creative commons -
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