Institutions and credit
Farla, Kristine (2012). Institutions and credit. UNU-MERIT.
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Author Farla, Kristine Title Institutions and credit Publication Date 2012 Publisher UNU-MERIT Abstract It is well-known that the extent of credit lent to private agents differs widely between countries. The `financial deepening' of the economy offers opportunities as well as financial risks. This study investigates the extent to which institutional characteristics are re- lated to countries' level of credit depth. The findings suggest that the formalization of property rights, contracting, and competition institutions is positively related to an increase in the level of credit to the private sector. This result remains robust when controlling for the effect of financial policy. The effect of institutional characteristics on banks' lending capacity and investment is mixed. However, overall, institutional formalization has a positive impact on credit deepening and investment. Keyword Institutions
Financial development
Property rights
CompetitionJEL E44
O43Copyright Holder UNU-MERIT Copyright Year 2012 -
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