R&D collaboration networks in the European Framework Programmes: Data processing, network construction and selected results

Roediger-Schluga, Thomas and Barber, Michael J. (2007). R&D collaboration networks in the European Framework Programmes: Data processing, network construction and selected results. UNU-MERIT.

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  • Author Roediger-Schluga, Thomas
    Barber, Michael J.
    Title R&D collaboration networks in the European Framework Programmes: Data processing, network construction and selected results
    Publication Date 2007
    Publisher UNU-MERIT
    Abstract We describe the construction of a large and novel data set on R&D collaboration networks in the first five EU Framework Programmes (FPs), examine key features and provide economic interpretations for our findings. The data set is based on publicly available raw data that pre-sents numerous challenges. We critically examine the different problems and detail how we have dealt with them. We describe how we construct networks from the processed data. The resulting networks display properties typical for large complex networks, including scale-free degree distributions and the small-world property. The former indicates the presence of net-work hubs, which we identify. Theoretical work shows the latter to be beneficial for knowl-edge creation and diffusion. Structural features are remarkably similar across FPs, indicating similar network formation mechanisms despite changes in governance rules. Several findings point towards the existence of a stable core of interlinked actors since the early FPs with inte-gration increasing over time. This core consists mainly of universities and research organisa-tions. The paper concludes with an agenda for future research.
    Keyword R&D development collaboration
    EU framework programmes
    Complex networks
    Small world effect
    Knowledge creation
    Knowledge diffusion
    European research area
    JEL L14
    Copyright Holder UNU-MERIT
    Copyright Year 2007
    ISSN 1871-9872
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    Created: Wed, 11 Dec 2013, 16:08:08 JST