Collinearity in growth regressions: The example of worker remittances
Ziesemer, Thomas (2009). Collinearity in growth regressions: The example of worker remittances. UNU-MERIT.
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Author Ziesemer, Thomas Title Collinearity in growth regressions: The example of worker remittances Publication Date 2009 Publisher UNU-MERIT Abstract The sign of worker remittances in growth regressions is heavily disputed in the literature. Comparing two growth regressions with different signs for the remittance variable we show that collinearity with the lagged dependent variable might indicate that collinearity should be investigated comprehensively and might lead to a change in specifications which differ in the variance inflation factors (VIF). In our case the variance inflation factor for remittances depends on the use of a five or one-year lag of the lagged dependent. In the regression with a VIF below ten, the standard critical value, the sign of remittances is positive. Keyword Growth
RemittancesJEL F24
O11Copyright Holder UNU-MERIT Copyright Year 2009 ISSN 1871-9872 -
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