Economic development, growth, institutions and geography
Bhupatiraju, Samyukta and Verspagen, Bart (2013). Economic development, growth, institutions and geography. UNU-MERIT.
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Author Bhupatiraju, Samyukta
Verspagen, BartTitle Economic development, growth, institutions and geography Publication Date 2013 Publisher UNU-MERIT Abstract In this paper, we test the Rodrik et al (2004) framework to explain differences in development levels across countries by using a broader set of definitions for institutions, geography and economic variables. We use a multi-faceted database to measure institutions in an attempt to go beyond the single-dimension measures that are often employed. We find that institutions trump other factors (geography and trade) when we use GDP per capita as an independent variable. When we expand the dependent variable to include other aspects of development, such as growth and investment, we find that institutions, growth and geography are all important variables. In this case, institutions no longer trump the other factors. In this case, we also find that the same institutions variable that was positively associated to GDP per capita is now negatively correlated with the more dynamic development variable. UNU Topics of Focus Governance Keyword Institutions
Economic developmentJEL O1
O17Copyright Holder UNU-MERIT Copyright Year 2013 -
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