A multilevel analysis of innovation in developing countries
Srholec, Martin (2008). A multilevel analysis of innovation in developing countries. UNU-MERIT.
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Author Srholec, Martin Title A multilevel analysis of innovation in developing countries Publication Date 2008 Publisher UNU-MERIT Abstract Innovation is a multilevel phenomenon. Not only characteristics of firms but also environment within which firms operate matter. Although this has been for long recognized in the literature, a quantitative test that explicitly concerns the hypothesis that framework conditions affect innovativeness of firms remains lacking. Using a large sample of firms from many developing countries, we estimate a multilevel model of innovation that integrates explanatory factors at different levels of the analysis. Apart from various firm’s characteristics, national economic, technological and institutional conditions directly predict the likelihood of firms to innovate. Keyword Innovation
Technological capability
Multilevel modeling
Developing countriesJEL C30
O30Copyright Holder UNU-MERIT Copyright Year 2008 ISSN 1871-9872 -
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