The elasticity of substitution and labour-displacing technical change in post-apartheid South Africa
Rankin, Neil, Burger, Rulof and Kreuser, Friedrich (2015). The elasticity of substitution and labour-displacing technical change in post-apartheid South Africa. UNU-WIDER.
Document type:
Sub-type Working paper Author Rankin, Neil
Burger, Rulof
Kreuser, FriedrichTitle The elasticity of substitution and labour-displacing technical change in post-apartheid South Africa Volume/Issue No. 2015/101 Publication Date 2015 Place of Publication Helsinki Publisher UNU-WIDER Pages 35 Language eng Abstract This paper uses normalized constant elasticity of substitution production functions to estimate the elasticity of substitution and labour-augmenting technical change in South Africa over the period 1994-2012. We find elasticities of 0.6-0.9 and positive l
Keyword Labor demand
Production functions (economic theory)Copyright Holder UNU-WIDER Copyright Year 2015 Copyright type Fair use permitted ISSN 17987237 ISBN 9789292309909 -
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