Developing internationally comparable indicators for the commercialization of publicly-funded research

Arundel, Anthony and Bordoy, Catalina (2008). Developing internationally comparable indicators for the commercialization of publicly-funded research. UNU-MERIT.

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  • Author Arundel, Anthony
    Bordoy, Catalina
    Title Developing internationally comparable indicators for the commercialization of publicly-funded research
    Publication Date 2008
    Publisher UNU-MERIT
    Abstract It is a common perception that European public-funded research fails to commercialize their discoveries, in contrast to the perceived success of their American counterparts. This resulted in policies aimed at improving the commercialization of European publicly-funded research, including the establishment of Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs). Recent surveys on the activities of these TTOs show that although European public-funded research lags behind the United States in patent applications and grants, they produce more start-ups, and have comparable results for the number of licenses executed. Steps to improve the international comparability of TTO surveys could provide useful new indicators for policy development. However, this will also require indicators for knowledge transfer through informal 'open science' methods.
    Keyword Public research & development
    Research indicators
    Open science
    JEL O31
    Copyright Holder UNU-MERIT
    Copyright Year 2008
    ISSN 1871-9872
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    Created: Wed, 11 Dec 2013, 16:24:03 JST