Vulnerability and adaptation to salinity intrusion in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam
Nguyen, Thanh Binh. Vulnerability and adaptation to salinity intrusion in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. University of Bonn, 2015.
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Sub-type Doctoral thesis Author Nguyen, Thanh Binh Title Vulnerability and adaptation to salinity intrusion in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam Year 2015 University University of Bonn Department Faculty of Agriculture Place of Publication Bonn Publisher UNU-EHS Pages 141 Language eng Abstract Vulnerability conceptualizations and assessments for natural hazards are not new, but further research is still needed, particularly regarding slow-onset hazards. Slow-onset hazards tend to receive less attention due to their gradual development which often goes unnoticed in the early phases. However, at a certain stage, a combination of stresses may exceed the coping capacity of vulnerable socio-ecological systems, raising the risk that the entire system may collapse due to the lack of a timely response. Hence the losses from creeping processes may be even more substantial than in the case of sudden-onset hazards. As such, there is a clear need to respond to slow-onset hazards with more appropriate actions in the early phases in order to avoid damage to livelihoods before they reach an acute phase. Salinity intrusion is considered a slow-onset hazard and is particularly important in low-lying areas such as the Vietnamese Mekong delta where the economy is dominated by the agricultural sector. In this regard, it is necessary to analyze salinity data trends to have better understanding of past and present changes in the hazard and to assess the impacts of this on agriculture and livelihoods with a consideration of adaptation strategies to salinity intrusion in different socio-ecological settings in the delta. The study developed and applied the VAFSLO framework (Vulnerability Assessment Framework for Slow-onset hazards) and LIWISLO approach (Living With Slow-onset hazards) to assess the vulnerability and management of slow-onset hazards, especially under climate change and sea level rise contexts. The research was conducted within the WISDOM project, a German-Vietnamese Initiative to develop a Water-related Information System for the Sustainable Development of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. Keyword Adaptation
Salinity intrusion
Mekong Delta
VietnamCopyright Holder UNU-EHS Copyright Year 2015 Copyright type All rights reserved ISBN 9783944535364 -
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