Nutrition and Children’s Intelligence Quotient (IQ): Review

Ghazi, Hasanain F., Md. Isa, Zaleha, Sutan, Rosnah, Idris, Idayu B. and Maimaiti, Namaitijiang, (2014). Nutrition and Children’s Intelligence Quotient (IQ): Review. Annals of Nutritional Disorders & Therapy, 1(1), n/a-n/a

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  • Sub-type Journal article
    Author Ghazi, Hasanain F.
    Md. Isa, Zaleha
    Sutan, Rosnah
    Idris, Idayu B.
    Maimaiti, Namaitijiang
    Title Nutrition and Children’s Intelligence Quotient (IQ): Review
    Appearing in Annals of Nutritional Disorders & Therapy
    Volume 1
    Issue No. 1
    Publication Date 2014-08-08
    Place of Publication New Jersey
    Publisher Austin Publishing Group
    Start page n/a
    End page n/a
    Language eng

    Child nutrition especially during the early years is crucial for the development
    of the whole body and the mentally in specific. Mechanism by which the nutrition
    can affect the Intelligence is still questionable. Aim of this review was to identify
    the latest studies done in the last 5 years regarding nutrition and IQ of the
    children. Systematic review was done using Pubmed , searching engine, with
    words like nutrition, food, diet and IQ of the children. We include only orginal
    studies done in the last 5 years (from 2008-2013). Nineteen original articles
    were selected in 4 areas acoording to the outcomes of the studies, they are
    nutiritonal status, diet, breastfeeding and milk formaula. As a conclusion,
    Despite the long period since the studies on association between nutrition and
    intelligence began in last decade, this issue still under huge contraversay. There
    is no doubt about the importance of nutrition during the early years of child
    development, but is nutrient deficinces can lead to low intelligence.

    Copyright Holder The Authors
    Copyright Year 2014
    Copyright type All rights reserved
    ISSN 23818891
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    Created: Tue, 29 Sep 2015, 12:33:54 JST