Editorial: Loss and damage from climate change: emerging perspectives
van der Geest, Kees and Warner, Koko, (2015). Editorial: Loss and damage from climate change: emerging perspectives. International Journal of Global Warming, 8(2), 133-140
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Sub-type Journal article Author van der Geest, Kees
Warner, KokoTitle Editorial: Loss and damage from climate change: emerging perspectives Appearing in International Journal of Global Warming Volume 8 Issue No. 2 Publication Date 2015-10 Place of Publication Amsterdam Publisher Inderscience Start page 133 End page 140 Language eng Abstract This paper introduces a special issue that presents multiple perspectives on climate-induced loss and damage. The special issue is a collection of papers presented at a conference held at United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security in Bonn, 25-27 February 2013. The conference played a key role in setting the research and policy agenda on loss and damage in the build-up to COP/19 where Parties to the UNFCCCC established the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts. Among the fifty participants were academics, policy-makers and practitioners from a wide range of fields, including disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, humanitarian assistance, development corporation, climate science and law. They concluded that meaningful progress in addressing loss and damage from climatic stressors is urgently needed and can only be made if different perspectives on loss and damage, each with its own expertise and knowledge, are incorporated. After its genesis in the climate change negotiations, loss and damage has slowly transformed into a new, interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral field of research in which most other elements of climate change research are united. To understand how and why actors incur loss and damage, and how to address this, one needs to understand their vulnerability, resilience, risk management behaviour, adaptive capacity, and the adaptation limits and constraints they face. UNBIS Thesaurus CLIMATE CHANGE Keyword Loss and damage Copyright Holder Inderscience Copyright Year 2015 Copyright type Creative commons -
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