Peacebuilding and Institution-building
Hearn, Sarah (2015). Peacebuilding and Institution-building. Review of the Peacebuilding Architecture. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research.
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Sub-type Policy brief Author Hearn, Sarah Editor Chandran, Rahul Title Peacebuilding and Institution-building Series Title Review of the Peacebuilding Architecture Publication Date 2015-02 Place of Publication Online Publisher United Nations University Centre for Policy Research Pages 13 Language eng Abstract This short paper provides an overview of the evidence on why institution-building is central to successful peacebuilding, and aims to stimulate fresh thinking on ideas for improving international institution-building efforts. The international community is moving at a slow pace to improve its performance in this area, despite a range of international commitments to building national institutions and ownership in conflict-affected countries. I argue that the UN could pursue more innovation, especially in the areas of south-south and triangular cooperation, setting norms for institution-building, and sustaining long-term attention to institution-building, as well as championing the development of a wider range of aid instruments and partnerships. Finally, I point to major data and evidence gaps, and suggest generating more north-south knowledge partnerships on the subject as a matter of priority – especially around building national ownership and supporting inclusive institution-building processes. UNBIS Thesaurus PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS
PEACEBUILDINGCopyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2015 Copyright type All rights reserved -
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