Strengthening Agricultural Innovation Capacity: Are Innovation Brokers the Answer?

Klerkx, Laurens, Hall, Andy and Leeuwis, Cees (2009). Strengthening Agricultural Innovation Capacity: Are Innovation Brokers the Answer?. UNU-MERIT.

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  • Sub-type Working paper
    Author Klerkx, Laurens
    Hall, Andy
    Leeuwis, Cees
    Title Strengthening Agricultural Innovation Capacity: Are Innovation Brokers the Answer?
    Publication Date 2009
    Place of Publication Maastricht
    Publisher UNU-MERIT
    Pages 47
    Abstract This paper examines the role of innovation brokers in stimulating innovation system interaction and innovation capacity building, and illustrates this by taking the case of Dutch agriculture as an example. Subsequently, it reflects upon the potential role of innovation brokers in developing countries’ agriculture. It concludes that innovation brokerage roles are likely to become relevant in emerging economies and that public or donor investment in innovation brokerage may be needed to overcome inherent tensions regarding the neutrality and funding of such players in the innovation system. The Dutch experience suggests that innovation brokers need to be contextually embedded, and are unlikely to become effective through a centrally-imposed design. Hence, we conclude that stimulating their emergence requires a policy that supports institutional learning and experimentation. In the evaluation of such experiments, it is important to note that innovation brokers tend to play intangible roles that are not easily captured through conventional indicators. Journal Codes: N54, 013, 031, Q13, Q16, Q18
    UNU Topics of Focus Agriculture
    Keyword Agriculture
    Developing countries
    The Netherlands
    Innovation broker
    Institutional learning
    Innovation systems
    Capacity strengthening
    Agricultural extension
    Copyright Holder UNU-MERIT
    Copyright Year 2009
    Copyright type Creative commons
    ISSN 18719872
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    Created: Wed, 11 Dec 2013, 16:35:31 JST